
Metropolis assembles 84 cities from around the world in Barcelona as part of the Board of Directors meetings

Metropolis and the city of Barcelona organized the 2010 Metropolis Board Meeting, which took place from 4 to 8 October 2010. The meeting assembled 84 cities, diverse institutions and over 250 participants from around the world and served as a discussion and reflection space on common questions shared by cities and metropolitan regions. Issues addressed during the event included urban innovation, governance and the development of metropolitan areas.

In addition to the statutory meetings, the following parallel events were held:

-2nd meeting, Commission 3 “Integrated Urban Governance”
- 5th Strategic Reflection meeting
- Antennae meeting of the Metropolis International Women’s Network
- 2nd meeting, Commission 2 “Managing Urban Growth”
- Foundational Assembly of the Global Fund for Cities Development (FMDV)
- 2nd meeting, Commission 5 “Partnership for Urban Innovation”

All the presentations, events, photos and complementary information on each session are available on this website.

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Welcome to the website of the Board of Directors Barcelona Metropolis 2010.
In this first phase will see the program, register with the Council and obtain information about their stay in Barcelona. In the next days the site will acquire new capabilities and open new sections.



L'informem que la inscripció en línia va finalitzar el passat 20 de setembre de 2010

Le informamos que la inscripción en línia se cerró el pasado 20 de septiembre de 2010

We inform you that the registration online closed last 20th September 2010

Nous vous informons que l'inscription en ligne a été fermée le dernier 20 septembre 2010